Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Arrogance of Ignorance and Stupidity.. Tea Party Republicans?

All throughout the Fall of 2009 through to November 2010, the Tea Party Republications staged a well organized deceptive campaign under the pretext of reminding and educating the USA electorate on the virtues and contents of the US Constitution, the basis for the US Government, and further to teach us all the history of the foundation of our government. These notable names come to mind: Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, David Webb, Dana Loesch, Amy Kremer, Dick Armey, Allen West, etc.

These self appointed constitutionalists have a lot to answer for when we review the depths of their proclamations. It is interesting that most of these politicians seem to give reverence to Mr. Ronal Reagan, and hold their version of President Ronald Reagan's political life his and presidency as the ultimate benchmark. I say their version of Mr. Reagan, because the accounts and corollaries they profess most times, contradict Mr. Ron Reagan Jr's understanding of his own father. Yesterday, I read a publication entitled "Five myths about Ronald Reagan's legacy" by Will Bunch [see link: Five myths about Ronald Reagan's legacy ] which I consider very informative. I wish some of the notables, I give honorable mention above, get to read this article. It should not be surprising that these Tea Party Republicans and their leadership, in their own ignorance, make up [re-write] history to conveniently fit their agenda not to propagate the truth, but to exploit the laziness we all have, when it comes to history of the US, the US Constitution, and prominent actors of such history, notable of all, Mr. Ronald Reagan. A lot of us, the US electorate, fail to check the validity of made-up professions, and sometimes act as if we were not alive when most of these events actually occurred. In a subsequent blog, I will tackle the glaring inconsistencies in the economic policies and associated political ideologies, that somehow escape most of us, in the glory-filled nostalgia of yesteryears' rewrite of history. I remember Mr. G. H. W. Bush, during the 1979 presidential elections, when he described the Reagan Economic Policies as 'Voodo Economics'. A connotation and labeling, that in hindsight, correctly predicted the guaranteed disastrous economic outcome of excessive debts and deficits, of the policies Mr. Ronald Reagan put forward, and subsequently implemented in his US administration, Mr. Bush being the Vice President. I recall Mr. David Stockman, Mr. Reagan's Budget Director, famously quibbled: para-phrase "We know that Trickle Down Economics never works ...and will not work..", and subsequently left the Reagan administration. It is only through the Arrogance of Ignorance and Stupidity' coupled with deliberate amnesia that the Reagan Economic Policy worshipers and missionaries, can feel empowered to re-write the truth out of history.

Next, I ask myself, why will US Rep. Michele Bachmann even believe that, her conjured-up account of the history of the Founding Fathers being responsible for ending slavery in the US, is a plausibly fact to offer in her address and/or presentation to Republicans and Tea Party Republicans in the State of Iowa? The short answer is, she is exceedingly arrogant in her own ignorance to unfortunately, attempt to count on her perceived ignorance of her audience, the concept I term, 'the Arrogance of Ignorance and Stupidity'; because the limits of her own understanding is woefully and incredibly naive and parochial, as well as being frighteningly absurd. The question is, what is US Rep. Michele Bachmann's level of education either formal and/or informal on the subject matter, the US Constitution, which she had publicly claimed to have exceptional competence? Do not forget the public proclamations during congressional elections, last November 2010. Well, she says, she has law degree(s) from Oral Roberts University [J.D.] and College of William & Mary Law School [L.L.M], but the graduation dates are not indicated in her own published biography. I am not sure about a J.D. from Oral Roberts University Law School being accredited; but with an L.L.M from the reputable College of William & Mary Law School, I am sure the course work had to include some readings of the US Constitution, Articles of Confederation [and Perpetual Union], some discussions of the Federalist Papers, and definitely, discussions on Slavery and the Bill of Rights, etc,.. absolutely!!. Hmm..!! Lest I forget, the Associate Justice of US Supreme Court, Honorable Antonin Scalia, in my opinion, a truly brilliant jurist but too openly a republican political operative, gave a closed-door [closed-chamber] presentation on the US Constitution, to the US House Tea Party Republican Caucus, under the leadership and invitation of Ms. Bachmann, just days before her presentation in Iowa. [ See her speech hereYouTube - Michele Bachmann Iowa Speech Bachmann Founders Ended Slavery Mediaite ]. I am not sure whether the two colleges Ms. Bachmann claims to have obtained law degrees, deserve any credit for her lack of basic knowledge. After watching the YouTube clip, you would came to realize, and hopefully, be more aware of the cadre of leaders, the Republicans and Tea Party Republicans are offering, and what they represent to the US electorate and Political infrastructure. Remember, for these Republican operatives, Actual Facts and Truths are a matter of their own SANITIZED RE-WRITE of relevant history, and thus see what I term 'The Arrogance of Ignorance and Stupidity'. 

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