Monday, February 28, 2011

'Hatred Mantra', Tactic of Right Wing Republicans?

I chose this topic after watching [NFL] Super Bowl pre-show interview of the US President, conducted by Bill O'Reilly of FOX News. In his usual disrespectful, pushy and tabloid interviewing style, Mr. O'Reilly persistently asked the President to acknowledge that some people, who mostly watch Fox News' O'Reilly show, Hate Mr. Obama. Shockingly amazing, I thought, shockingly a classic right wing republican engaging in the usual self absorbed and over inflated egotistical expression of self importance!

The use of Hate as a political pejorative, and as political strategy to perpetuate political ideology, is now very prevalent in the US. I am sure the nasty tone in political discourse has possible historical corollaries and simplified historical equivalences, but these contentious and downright hostile muscular political confrontations, are becoming increasingly difficult to accept as the new criteria for civil political discourse. It is very disgraceful and scary to see and sometimes hear elected members of US congress engage in this hate culture, but becomes frighteningly worst, when these same US congress persons publicly condone actions and implied threatening actions of deranged lunatics in their constituency. What follows is a description of what I term the 'Hatred Mantra' prevalent in our current political climate.

The origins are quite simple for anyone paying attention to the political dynamics in the US. Simply described, the brain trust of the right wing republican operatives, concoct a value system, which they use to classify the electorate [voters] into conforming and non-conforming political ideological blocks. The value system of the right wing conforming ideological block is then expanded to include many of the prevailing dogmatic believe systems, such as, social class distinctions, race and ethnicity demarcations, perceived cultural identity claims, and the most potent classification of all, dogmatic religious believes. The believe system becomes a pseudo-crusade with emotionally charged deity proclamations, which then serve to inflame passions among the electorate. Social issues as Women's Reproductive Rights [Abortion Rights] is a prominent example, because of the connotation attributable to its interpretations firmly rooted in religious fervor. It is frightening to me, to think that the self-proclaimed political conservatives [right wing republicans], willingly accept the imposition of government on these social issues, at same time they profess to not believe in the power of an over bearing government. What a glaring hypocritical contradiction in their value system! Why are the right wing republicans so enthralled by government control of the Civil Liberties of Women in our society? Remember, the moral majority movement of the 1980s, led by Jerry Falwell, and the Christian Fundamentalist, and the present day Evangelicals, the Nationalist proclaimers, the Patriotic and Flag Waving impostors, the ones that claim to love veterans of our wars, but want to deprive same of their earned benefits. These are some of the tenets of the value system of right wing republicans, which is full of dishonest practitioners parading through our political culture, and firmly interspersed within our political infrastructure, sadly to the detriment of the un-informed electorate [voters] and the nation at large.

Out of the right wing republicans' value system, evolves the de-valuation system [demonization and delegitimization] used to characterize people whose believes and opinions are contrary to right wing intolerance and inflexibility. In particular, people who do not ascribe to the right wing value system, are labelled as not being main-stream, and most times, called Un-American and/or 'different', and are targeted with incessant mantras of Hate and Moral [but religiously acceptable] De-Humanization. The de-valued opposition are further characterized with derogatory labels as: 'Baby Killers' for those who believe in abortion and reproductive rights for women; 'Atheist and anti-Religious' for skeptics of political ideology cloaked in religious dogma; 'Socialists and Communists' connotation for thoughtful democrats and independents who advocate for economic and social fairness. As a classic example, remember in 2009 President Obama reluctantly but correctly bailed-out Wall Street Bankers and the Financial Industry, and managed to avert total depression and collapse of the US economy, but when he [Mr. Obama] introduced prudent financial reforms to mitigate future economic collapse, the right wing republicans labelled Mr. Obama a Socialist and a Wealth Re-Distributer!! Can anyone imagine a socialist intent on bailing out a collapsing capitalist system? A true thoughtless picture to consider.  .... incredible!!

Once the de-legitimization [demonization] processes take hold, either by the constant repetition by right wing republican media advocates and pundits, and further picked up and propagated by the non-critical but trend-following main stream media, then any proposals and/or ridiculous claims made to fit the right wing value system, become acceptable to the loud right wing republican minority and their media pundits. Furthermore, the lack of concerted, organized and credible opposition from timid liberals and sensible but apathetic independents and libertarians, allow the right wing republicans' hatred mantras to take hold, and appear as the prevailing doctoring for perpetual social debate and conflict. In so doing, the cherished tradition of healthy political debates descend into colorful expression of moral superiority and the dubious justifiable expression of hatred towards opponents. Why is this phenomenon not obvious to the electorate [voters]?

I am fascinated by these same right wing republicans coming up with excuses to exempt their own closeted hypocrites when such actions they purport to hate, tend to be what their private lives have long been defined by. The morally professed evangelicals, claim to hate homosexuals, [and homosexual life-style, whatever that means] as the curse for the demise of our moral and religiously righteous society, and vehemently utilize inhumane treatment and campaigns to persecute such persons, until, lo and behold, the popular and charismatic evangelicals like Ted Haggard and Eddie Long; and prominent politicians, like Former Sen. Larry Craig and Congressman Mark Foley, get exposed for who they really are, then hating these self-righteous hypocrites, as would have been expected from the inflexible right wing value system, become turned into a religious experience, cloaked in the flexible concept of forgiveness and redemption for sinners, and the loud-mouthed pundits become muted. Remember, the right wing republicans never seem to have such religious compassion for their opponents!!

Why do the right wing republicans and their supportive media pundits resort to inciting the passions of the electorate with the Hatred Mantra? Because it is simple and targeted messaging, which allows the accepting and conforming electorate:

  1. To hang their disappointments, personal failures, unfulfilled aspirations and diminished expectations. 
  2. To doggedly and contemptuously assign blame to others for their own miserable conditions;
  3. To effortlessly and without thought, discover the perceived culprits of their own current state of perceived demise.
  4. To embolden the first time un-employed to be convinced ethnic minorities and new immigrants, the easy targets of hate, are the reason for their joblessness, without acknowledging their own short comings. 
  5. To embolden families losing their homes, in blaming ethnic minorities who, although are also losing their homes, are labelled as the 'dead-beats' responsible for the foreclosure crisis.
  6. To treat other citizens with opposing political views as un-american and not worthy of respect and support.
The reader, should not forget the caricature the right wing republicans have been allowed to create to represent the US President, Mr. Barack Obama. In my humble opinion, Mr. Obama is what I consider, the true realization and personal embodiment of what makes United States of America, exceptional!!

Based on 2010 congressional election results, it seems the 'Hatred Mantra' as a political tactic succeeded for the Right Wing and Tea Party Republicans. Arguably, the apathy and complacency of the liberals, progressives, democrats and young voters deserve most of credit, but that will be a topic for a subsequent blog. My question is, what will be the new political and/or social mantric tactic from the progressive political movements, as a counter perspective to compete with the hatred mantra of the right wing republicans? May be: 'Hope Mantra', 'Unity Mantra', 'Inclusion Mantra', 'Service Mantra', 'Aspiration Mantra', 'Bright Future Mantra', 'Achievement Mantra'... What is the shelf life of the 'Hatred Mantra', I ask the political progressives..?

My food for thought: The use of political ideology and perceived moral and religious believe contrasts as tools for the de-valuation and demonization of human life, constitute some of the pre-requisites and/or principal components in the formulation [operational planning], justification and subsequent perpetration of deadly conflicts [wars] between seemingly not dissimilar factions of society [most times, nations], and some of the instruments of justification for such conflicts, are firmly rooted in political ideology cloaked in religious fervor and apocalyptic imagery of the economic state of affairs, perceived as thrusted upon us by the targeted 'others' usually termed the non-believers and different, and fit perfectly in a 'Hatred Mantra' tuxedo!!  ... Never forget that....!!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Arrogance of Ignorance and Stupidity.. Tea Party Republicans?

All throughout the Fall of 2009 through to November 2010, the Tea Party Republications staged a well organized deceptive campaign under the pretext of reminding and educating the USA electorate on the virtues and contents of the US Constitution, the basis for the US Government, and further to teach us all the history of the foundation of our government. These notable names come to mind: Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, David Webb, Dana Loesch, Amy Kremer, Dick Armey, Allen West, etc.

These self appointed constitutionalists have a lot to answer for when we review the depths of their proclamations. It is interesting that most of these politicians seem to give reverence to Mr. Ronal Reagan, and hold their version of President Ronald Reagan's political life his and presidency as the ultimate benchmark. I say their version of Mr. Reagan, because the accounts and corollaries they profess most times, contradict Mr. Ron Reagan Jr's understanding of his own father. Yesterday, I read a publication entitled "Five myths about Ronald Reagan's legacy" by Will Bunch [see link: Five myths about Ronald Reagan's legacy ] which I consider very informative. I wish some of the notables, I give honorable mention above, get to read this article. It should not be surprising that these Tea Party Republicans and their leadership, in their own ignorance, make up [re-write] history to conveniently fit their agenda not to propagate the truth, but to exploit the laziness we all have, when it comes to history of the US, the US Constitution, and prominent actors of such history, notable of all, Mr. Ronald Reagan. A lot of us, the US electorate, fail to check the validity of made-up professions, and sometimes act as if we were not alive when most of these events actually occurred. In a subsequent blog, I will tackle the glaring inconsistencies in the economic policies and associated political ideologies, that somehow escape most of us, in the glory-filled nostalgia of yesteryears' rewrite of history. I remember Mr. G. H. W. Bush, during the 1979 presidential elections, when he described the Reagan Economic Policies as 'Voodo Economics'. A connotation and labeling, that in hindsight, correctly predicted the guaranteed disastrous economic outcome of excessive debts and deficits, of the policies Mr. Ronald Reagan put forward, and subsequently implemented in his US administration, Mr. Bush being the Vice President. I recall Mr. David Stockman, Mr. Reagan's Budget Director, famously quibbled: para-phrase "We know that Trickle Down Economics never works ...and will not work..", and subsequently left the Reagan administration. It is only through the Arrogance of Ignorance and Stupidity' coupled with deliberate amnesia that the Reagan Economic Policy worshipers and missionaries, can feel empowered to re-write the truth out of history.

Next, I ask myself, why will US Rep. Michele Bachmann even believe that, her conjured-up account of the history of the Founding Fathers being responsible for ending slavery in the US, is a plausibly fact to offer in her address and/or presentation to Republicans and Tea Party Republicans in the State of Iowa? The short answer is, she is exceedingly arrogant in her own ignorance to unfortunately, attempt to count on her perceived ignorance of her audience, the concept I term, 'the Arrogance of Ignorance and Stupidity'; because the limits of her own understanding is woefully and incredibly naive and parochial, as well as being frighteningly absurd. The question is, what is US Rep. Michele Bachmann's level of education either formal and/or informal on the subject matter, the US Constitution, which she had publicly claimed to have exceptional competence? Do not forget the public proclamations during congressional elections, last November 2010. Well, she says, she has law degree(s) from Oral Roberts University [J.D.] and College of William & Mary Law School [L.L.M], but the graduation dates are not indicated in her own published biography. I am not sure about a J.D. from Oral Roberts University Law School being accredited; but with an L.L.M from the reputable College of William & Mary Law School, I am sure the course work had to include some readings of the US Constitution, Articles of Confederation [and Perpetual Union], some discussions of the Federalist Papers, and definitely, discussions on Slavery and the Bill of Rights, etc,.. absolutely!!. Hmm..!! Lest I forget, the Associate Justice of US Supreme Court, Honorable Antonin Scalia, in my opinion, a truly brilliant jurist but too openly a republican political operative, gave a closed-door [closed-chamber] presentation on the US Constitution, to the US House Tea Party Republican Caucus, under the leadership and invitation of Ms. Bachmann, just days before her presentation in Iowa. [ See her speech hereYouTube - Michele Bachmann Iowa Speech Bachmann Founders Ended Slavery Mediaite ]. I am not sure whether the two colleges Ms. Bachmann claims to have obtained law degrees, deserve any credit for her lack of basic knowledge. After watching the YouTube clip, you would came to realize, and hopefully, be more aware of the cadre of leaders, the Republicans and Tea Party Republicans are offering, and what they represent to the US electorate and Political infrastructure. Remember, for these Republican operatives, Actual Facts and Truths are a matter of their own SANITIZED RE-WRITE of relevant history, and thus see what I term 'The Arrogance of Ignorance and Stupidity'. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hypocrisy of Republicans and Tea Party Republicans.. Oh Yes!

Tea Party Republicans, constitute the true creativity of using political symbolism, labels, imagery, phony expression of outrage and exploitation in US political arena.

I just saw a report on MSNBC [@1:00 PM EST, Jan 27, 2011] about Senators: Marco Rubio [FL], Ron Johnson [WI], Pat Tomey [PA] and other republicans, who courted the enthusiasm of the Tea Party Republicans, are now disavowing their demands, and 'revising and extending their positions' to claim a Republican Tea Party Caucus is not necessary. By the way, did I say, they are the newly elected US Senators, and have their 6-yr. guaranteed tenure!!. Well, 6-yr. tenure to the Exclusive 100 Member Club of the most powerful political operatives in USA, and the real power component of the Legislative Branch, very consequential in the daily and future lives of USA citizenry!! There is no simple process to re-call/remove any of these deceitful and downright dishonest politicians. But I hope the apathetic electorate, that bought into staged fictitious outrage by these politicians, will not fall for this hypocrisy the next time around, but until the next cycle, guess what we are left with?

Furthermore, has anyone noticed that, the so-called anti-government Republicans and Tea Party Republicans, all have most of their lives, depended on the government to get where they are now. Most of these politicians had their parents on the government's dime, serving in the military, using the G.I. Bill and associated funding mechanisms for themselves and their families, public school teachers, government employees and politicians at local, state and federal government level. I was impressed with Mr. Christopher Matthews of MSNBC [Hardball Program] and some of his analysts and contributors acknowledging this fact for their own up-bringing, through government sponsored educational opportunities and subsequent professional achievement. For this blog, I choose a couple of Republicans and Tea Party Republicans to point out this hypocritical and selfishness cloaked with political outrage and self-righteousness.

As good example, consider Congressman Allen West of Florida, a self avowed anti-government Tea Party Republican, and a vocal critic of government programs, and the imbecile who on the campaign trail denigrated Mr. Obama, our President. Mr. West boasts of the long military service of his family. From his grandfather, his father to himself. The military, our cherished institution of the highest service and honor, is the Ultimate government  employment, I hope Mr. West does not fail to see that fact. The educational opportunities, health care coverage for the entire family and other governmental service benefits, all paid for by the government. Mr. West, in addition to military service said, he was a public school teacher, another government job. All my research about Mr. West shows he NEVER worked in the Private Sector, so all his life he has been supported, and employed by the government. This is the mark of intellectual dishonesty, the manifestation the heightened hypocrisy, and the downright fraud the Tea Party Republicans have successfully perpetrated on the electorate. Congressman Allen West, is the same man that proclaimed that he wanted the US government to restore the country back to the original letter and intent of the US Constitution, the sacred document, that sanctioned him, being treated as 3/5-th of a person, since he is an African American. What a hypocrite with impunity and a person with excessive claim of self importance.!! Read more about Mr. West at [ Allen West (politician) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ]

Senator Addison Mitchell "MitchMcConnell, Jr [R-KY], the minority leader in the US Senate, has a biography that again supports my point. Mr. Mitch McConnell, the loudest government bashing Republican, has never in his life worked a day in the Private sector, working for the government has been his only job. "Mitch" the crusader for private sector, as the only enterprise for creating jobs for the US unemployed, and strong advocate for the elimination of government jobs, happens to have always depended on the government for his own employment. What an irony for the uninformed electorate? I hope one o these days the numerous TV/Media hosts and reporters might ask, Mr. McConnell about his complete dependence on the government for his livelihood in the face of his anti-government crusade. Read more [ Mitch McConnell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ].

Senator John McCain, our unquestionably bona fide hero. Another basher of US government, who has never known anything other than the support from government in his entire life, from his grandfather through his father and himself. He has benefited from government and worked for government for almost his entire life!! How credible is his incessant bashing of Democrats for their dependency on Government? I am surprised the Democrats were not forceful enough to highlight Mr. McCain's dependence on government, especially when he introduced the fake 'Joe the Plumber' as symbol of anti-government job creation. Read more at [ John McCain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ].
These examples are but a few of the glaring hypocrisy on the part of anti-government Republicans,.. Oh Yes!

There are many other Republicans in Public and Private professions that are true beneficiaries of government programs from their parents up through their current status, I wish the media/press reminds these people and call them to account instead of buying into their distorted narratives which are full of hypocrisy. Remember Tea Party Republicans telling their congressmen and congresswomen to: "Take their hands off their medicare and medicaid" during the health care legislation debates, during the contentious town hall meetings. Remember, Senator John Barrasso [R-WY], was vehemently opposed to the Health Care Bill, that made it possible for people with pre-existing conditions, gain access to health insurance. Mr. Barrasso's wife, Ms. Bobbi Brown is a breast cancer survivor, who I believe gets coverage from the government provided health insurance program for the US congress. Why were there no Democratic operatives, who could publicize that level of callous hypocrisy, I bet, if the tables were turned, the Republicans would have made Mr. Barrasso the 'Poster-Child' for callous hypocrisy and unfairness in the health care debate, and trust me, the electorate would have appreciated the exposure and would have responded positively to the democratic health care bill, instead of the ongoing mis-information, still being perpetrated by the crafty Republicans... Oh Yes!

Over the weekend [end of January 2011], the Republican Party leaders kept on telling the media, they cannot be specific on their debt and deficit management agenda for the US, at this stage of the discussion, until the President first initiates his plan. The disturbing irony was that, the Republicans further, claimed the problem needs to be fully explained to the American People before they come out with their solution. What..? Are these not the same Republicans who were publicly praying for the President's policies to fail, who refused to participate in solving the country's economic difficulties, and further told the electorate to vote them into power for their better, yet undisclosed policy agenda? Why is it plausible for the media to let these same Republicans parade their trickery and hypocrisy without question? Are the Democrats not intelligent enough to formulate simple succinct messages to confront and expose the incessant Republican hypocrisy and down right deceitful rhetoric, if the press would not do their job? How are the Republicans able to craft  'simple mantras' and simple 'message slogans'  that are clear and concise, while the Democrats get tongue tied into using long superfluous detail language to describe their agenda for the electorate? Where is the simple message, democrats? Do you remember, "Yes We Can"..? .. Oh Yes!

Conservatives traditionally are supposed to support investments in Educational Opportunities to enable people to be self-reliant and more productive citizens. As the President, Mr. Obama has correctly said: para phrase "The country that out educates will out compete". I am waiting to see the education policy of Republicans, considering President Obama's education-intensive direction for the future of the US. It seems the Republicans have endorsed and promoted mediocrity, lack of intellectual curiosity and under achievement, and have elevated certain people that can be characterized as intellectually bankrupt, and close to the edge of lunacy, as leaders. Some of the notables are: Ms. Sarah Palin, Rep. Michele Bachmann [R-MN], Rep. Louie Gohmert [R-TX]. I hope the Republicans get some Devine revelation about the blessings of education, and therefore, dismount their proverbial high horses and join the rest of us who want USA to remain atop the educational achievement infrastructure of the world. 

The sad conclusion is that, most of these anti-government Republicans could not have amounted to much in their own lives, but by the help of the Government they profess to abhor..! Hypocrisy at its worst, disguised as virtuous concern for our government.. Oh Yes,... Oh Yes !!