Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Republican Pundits NOT Conservatives

Many in the media classify republican pundits, the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and the rest of the FOX television channel commentators, as conservatives. I beg to differ. I call them great political tacticians applying their craftiness to gain notoriety, and therefore, the financial rewards beyond their own wildest imaginations. These republican pundits have mastered the art exploiting their self created fictitious political and ideological differences, and the rest of the electorate goes along for the ride without question.

Most people think Mr. Rush Limbaugh is a conservative, but what issues are professed to be of interest to Mr. Limbaugh and his radio listeners? Has he established his bona fides on any issues and/or policies that are actually conservative? In other words great conservatives are associated with conservative policies and movements, and I cannot think of one policy that Mr. Limbaugh has championed.
Present day so termed conservatives, those noted above, are mere opportunists and loud-mouthed pretenders, who scream slogans and epitaphs against their imaginary opponents, and their shameless use of insults to sensibilities of those who listen to the fear mongering and scapegoating of people with different perspectives and different policy issues.

When Mr. Rush Limbaugh publicly, over the national air-waves, stated he wants our president to fail, a treasonous proclamation, no pragmatic real conservatives publicly confronted and rebuked him, they all tip-toed around him, because the so called conservatives are cowards and mere opportunists.

Remember, the Health Care Bill that the republicans were all supposed to be against because it was tagged as government run, although all the implementation for all the provisions of the bill is by private companies just as the predominantly employer based health insurance system we have come to accept as the model private enterprise system. The irony is all the republicans in congress who voted against the bill, enjoy their health care plans administered and paid for but the government.. hypocrites !!

Last December 2009, Mr. Limbaugh vacationing in Hawaii fell seriously ill and was taken cared of free of charge by the free government run health care system in Hawaii. I thought he would have refused treatment from a government run health care system, this was a person who claims to be vehemently opposed to government run health care system, guess what, it is the right thing as long as the opportunists are receiving the benefits.

Who will fit my definition of a nearly true conservative currently on the political scene? The answer is: any politician that subscribes fully and/or partially to some of these tenets:
  • Supports no Military Interventionist policies except limited military actions deemed necessary to maintain national security
  • Proposes the immediate and orderly closures of the many foreign military bases maintained around the world, which make the US look like the Occupying Empire
  • Supports auditing the Federal Reserve [and the Treasury] actions and policies, for a true democratic idea of transparency.
  • Supports established Constitutional Rights and Amendments, and their applicability for the modern world, forward thinking.
  • Supports prudent Fiscal Policies coupled with Targeted Investment for future development and growth of the USA, that supports my definition of what makes USA Exceptional!!
  • Supports government policies of providing basic Social and Economic Protections for the politically Not well connected citizenry, so called social safety net.
This is a small subset of tenets I would call conservative political policy baselines. Do republican pundits in the media proclaiming their brand of conservatism, subscribe to any of these tenets? I am not sure but does the voting public consider any of these tenets in their decisions during elections?  I would like to get some feed back...

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